Daily Archives: August 30, 2019

Shark Tank Update — Week of 9/3/19

Hi Stellar Shark Tank Students (and families),

I’m so excited to commence our studies on Tuesday!  I will try to send an email every week or two with updates about class.  These emails are sent to both students and parents and they also will be reposted to my blog.  Welcome to Shark Tank!

Here are a few upcoming topics we’ll be exploring.
1) Basic economic principals.  Get ready for our “French Fry Scenario” on Tuesday.
2) Who are we as entrepreneurs? What do entrepreneurs actually do?
3) What is the difference between communism and capitalism?
4) What makes a country?  We’ll be working in groups to create our own country.
5) How does kiva.org work?  Why is entrepreneurialism important throughout the world?
6) Setting up both our Google classroom and our entrepreneur notebooks.
Our first ADI is a jam-packed extravaganza to the University of Colorado at Boulder on September 13th.  Students will miss most (if not all of) electives on this day.  We’ll be headed to the Leeds School of Business where we’ll learn about entrepreneurialism from CU Professors and Grad students, then we’ll go tour the engineering maker space, and finally we’ll learn about cartography at the CU Geography Library.  I have one parent chaperone already (thanks Krysia) and I have room for one more if you would like to join us.  Just let me know.  We’ll be traveling via RTD.
Lastly, if you have experience in the start-up world and you are interested in being an entrepreneurial mentor, please reach out.  We’ll have special Shark Tank mentor days on 10/3, 10/22, and 11/21. These days are also really important (and helpful) for students to be present in class.
Upcoming due dates:
  • Wednesday, September 11th:  Create a Country Reports Presented.  (This date may slip.)
Thank you in advance for all of your support!  -JF