Daily Archives: February 28, 2019

Co-op Update — Weeks of 3/4 and 3/11

Lots happening in co-op these days, but not a ton of “news” to report.  We’ve been participating in the “No Place for Hate” school program, continuing with our read-aloud, playing games, and just connecting about upcoming events (Athletic Day, etc.). A few notes:
1) Contributions to CHOICE reflection should be signed off and in portfolio by Tuesday, March 19th.
2) Athletic Day is March 22nd.  Students who are planning to ski and do not already have a lift pass need to bring in $25 for a lift pass.
3) Spring trip will be announced March 13th.  Drum roll….
4) Sixth grade 1:web chromebook adoption will be happening on the afternoon of March 7th.  Any questions should be directed to Katherine Kelly <katie.kelly@bvsd.org>
5) Parents — if you have not yet completed your 2018-19 CHOICE Donation, please make sure to do so.  Between athletic day and Spring trip, we have a number of upcoming expenses.  We’ve gotten most of the CHOICE donations, but there are still a few outstanding funds and we need your support.  (Thank you in advance!)
6) CMAS will take place April 8,9,11 for LA/Math in the mornings.  CMAS Science (8th grade) and CMAS Social Studies (7th grade) will take place during the week of April 22nd during seminar classes.  I’m sure the school will be disseminating more details as they come available.
Thank you for all your support!   -JF