Daily Archives: January 21, 2019

Game of Stones Update — Week of 1/22

Hope you had a chance to look at the Super Blood Moon Eclipse last night.  We are going to be exploring Earth/Moon/Sun starting on Monday the 28th.  In the meantime, we continue to work our way gradually towards Earth.  We started with the Big Bang, moved to Scale Models, and this week, we are going to focus on individual planets and moons.  Students will be creating travel brochures about a planetary object of their choosing.

Upcoming Due Dates:
Tuesday:  Questions #11 and #13 from the Solar System Scale Model Lab should be in journals.  (Not collecting, but students will need this later)
Thursday:  Big Bang / Solar System Celebration Assessment!  Some people call these “tests.”  I prefer to call them “celebrations of learning.”  In any event, students will have an assessment on Thursday.  A few notes about this:
1) The assessment is open notebook.  Students may use their journal (and only their journal) from class.
2) Here is a copy of the actual assessment.  These are the exact questions that will be asked.  No surprises.
3) If students need any help, I’m more than happy to work with them to help study.  They should just email or talk to me and we can find a time.
Monday 1/28:  Travel Brochures due at the beginning of class.  (Hoping that most students will turn it in at the end of class on Friday.)
Thursday 1/31:  Astronomy ADI to Planetarium at CU.  Students need to pack lunch and wear warm clothes.
Have a fantastic week!  Thank you for all your continued support.  -JF
Ps.  If time allows, I may introduce our LTP on Friday.  Here’s the write-up fyi…

LA Update — Weeks of 1/22 and 1/28

This week, we’ll write our voice-over narratives for our personalized video book reviews.  Between MLK day, the ADI, and our conference release day, we only have seven classes over the next two weeks.  We’ll also be reviewing apostrophes and homonyms.  Here a few great questions to ask your student about class:

1) What is the theme of your book?

2) What is a PVBR?

3) What text-to-self connections did you make while reading this book?

4) What image did you draw for your book?

5) How did you arrange the character map?

6) Does your book follow the “Hero’s Journey?”  Why or why not?

7) What are you reading as your choice novel right now (different from PVBR book)?

Here are upcoming due dates:

Tuesday, January 22nd:  “Read This Book” due at the BEGINNING of class with rubric.  This should include a stapled packet with rubric, twenty questions, plot mountain, drawing, and character map. (Students will need to print this out.)

Friday, January 25th:  Strong Draft of Narrative should be complete.  We’ll be peer critiquing these in class on Monday, January 28th.

Monday (2/4):  Narrative spreadsheets complete.  This includes all pictures/images/videos.

Thank you for all your continued support!  -Josh Feiger