Daily Archives: December 2, 2017

LA Update — Week of 12/4 (Coffeehouse Details)

It has been super fun to read the final drafts of the “Hero’s Journey” stories.  We now transition into our coffeehouse preparation.  A friendly reminder that our coffeehouse event will take place on Thursday, December 14th at the Espressoria Cafe on 2116 Pearl Street in Boulder.
  • Block 1 students will begin reading at 5pm.  (We’ll probably end around 6pm)
  • Block 2 students will begin reading at 6:30pm.  (We’ll probably end around 7:15pm
The Expressoria Coffeehouse is well…  cozy.  It will be crowded and may be standing room only (especially with the cold weather on tap).  Thanks in advance for your patience and flexibility.  Students should plan on arriving 10 minutes before their class begins reading — and in the spirit of support and community, please plan on staying throughout the entire performance.  (You don’t need to stay for both performances!)
Upcoming due dates:  (We’ll talk about all of this in class)
Every night:  Reading.
Wednesday:  1) Two copies of your coffeehouse excerpt, proofread, printed, and stapled to construction paper
              2) Your introduction and closing for your reading.
Friday:  Strong draft of your blurb (PSR)
Monday, 12/11:  Final draft of the blurb by 8pm
Tuesday, 12/12:  Program cover design due by end of class.
Have a great week!  -Josh Feiger
Ps.  We’ll do a lot of microphone practice in class, but if your student is feeling particularly nervous — please encourage them to meet with me before or after school and we can practice together.

Co-op Update — Week of 12/4

A few people had trouble finding the athletic form in the CHOICE weekly.  In case you missed it, here is the link for the athletic day form    If you haven’t turned in your form already, please print this and have your student turn it in as soon as possible.
We continue work on our portfolios.  Here is the November Portfolio checklist of what should be complete.  This is also a great chance to check in with your student about their goal progress and their service.
This will be the final week of Integrated classes.  Health classes by grade level will begin December 11th.
Thank you — as always — for all of your support.  Have a great week!  -JF
Ps.  Here is once again the link to the Portfolio Document Warehouse which contains every portfolio document FYI…

Fast Food Nation Update — Final one for Fall Semester. Week of 12/4.

Thank you for a wonderful semester in Fast Food Nation.  With the final week of class, there is lots happening.
1) Students’ should have a strong draft of their Presentation of Learning (POL) by Monday.  We’ll be spending Monday’s class practicing and fine-tuning them with one another.  Here’s the full task description and rubric for the POLs.
2) POLs will actually be given on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Here’s the complete schedule of POLs.  We hope you can join us!
3) PSRs were due last Thursday.  There are a number of students who are VERY close to getting signed off, but are just missing one piece.  Students who have not gotten their portfolio reflections signed off need to do so by setting up an appointment with me either at lunch or before/after school.  Here’s the task description for PSRs.  Please check infinite campus to see whether you (your student) have been officially “signed off.”
4) On Thursday, we are going to be watching our Ancient Civilization Newscasts, wrapping a few things up (including one last chapter from The Omnivore’s Dilemma, and also working on our semester rubrics.  The newscasts are a LOT of fun.   I will post these on Google Classroom on Thursday, December 7th, so ask your student to share them with you after that time.
5) And lastly, we are having our Geography Challenge Stock Market Award Ceremony and our End-of-Semester Party on Friday.  We’ll also <probably> be watching The Founder.  I have also asked all students to bring in a “slow-food” recipe as part of our celebration.  Ask your student about this and thank you in advance for your support of that endeavor.  And — as per CHOICE tradition — students must have their PSRs signed off in order to participate in that culminating event.
Thank you again for all your support and for a fantastic semester!  -JF
Ps.  For a sneak peak at their POL movies, check out our class movie padlet.