Daily Archives: January 16, 2017

Shark Tank Update — Week of 1/16/17

Class is off to a fantastic start.  We are exploring the following:

  1. The different types of government (Oligarchy vs. Representative Democracy vs. Theocracy.)
  2. What makes a country?  Students have been working in groups to create our own country.
  3. What are our passions?  What type of business would we like to start?  What is our cause?
  4. How does Kiva.org work?  Why is entrepreneurialism important throughout the world?
  5. Exploration of Eastern Hemisphere History through research of specific countries. (They’ll be choosing that later in the week.)

Create a Country reports will be presented Wednesday.

If you have entrepreneurial experience and you are interested in being a mentor, please email me at joshua.feiger@bvsd.org — I’d love your help!

Have a great week!  -JF