Asia Trade

Just wanted to cc: you on this quick letter I shared with students today… Ask your students what they learned about supply and demand.  This also includes some more information about our ADI tomorrow.  -JF

Dear Creative Capitalists!  (That’s you!)

Tomorrow, we have an exciting opportunity to delve into the world of China.  We’ll be visiting the Joyous Chinese Cultural Center.  We are going to learn some calligraphy, we’ll have a chance to make Chinese dumplings, eat a Chinese lunch, and possibly learn a Kung Fu fan dance.  It should make for a very fun day!   We’ll be leaving early in the morning (8:45am) and we should return to school at 2pm.  When we return, we’ll return to Shark Tank to debrief the experience and continue to work on our LTP Business Plans.

Next Monday, we’ll introduce Question #2 of the business plan (The product essay).  As a general goal, you should try to have a STRONG draft of your entrepreneur essay done by next Tuesday, September 20th.  Make sure to show agency and urgency and let me help/edit/review your work.  Use your resources (like your teacher!)

As promised, I’d like to introduce a new scenario to you today.  Here are our learning targets:

🌀LT:  I can explain the importance and potential imbalances of international trade.

🌀LT:  I can work together with others to evolve our understanding of supply and demand.

I am going to purposely NOT  “front-load” a lot of information here.   You have been assigned to one of seven Asian countries.  A few guidelines:

  1. Information is provided for you in the packet.
  2. The trader would like to buy stuff from you!
  3. You may only use ONLY supplies in your packet.  Do not use ANY supplies that you may “find” around the room. Do not use ANY supplies that you might have brought yourself.
  4. Please keep your country’s identity a secret.  

I look forward to debriefing this with you at the end of the scenario!  Thanks in advance for all your great thinking.  -JF

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