Daily Archives: August 25, 2016

We’ve launched! (LA)

It’s been fantastic to finally put faces to names.  To start with LA,  we’ve acted out Beowulf.  We’ve watched bad goat videos.  We’ve tried to figure out what Beowulf teaches us about “us” and “them.”  And we have commenced the reading program.  Students have a chance to choose between “The Highway Reader Plan” and “The Rocky Road Reader Plan” — they’ll be selecting different books from different genres to read over the next couple of days.  (I’ve posted a bunch of reading recommendation resources into Google Classroom.)

Upcoming due dates:

  1. Every night:  Read 30 minutes
  2. Due Thursday, September 1st:  The Reading Plan.

Ask to see your student’s Google Classroom if you are interested in more happenings!  I’m working to try and get parent access for this resource — stay tuned!

Language Arts — An Introduction

(These are initial thoughts — all subject to change.)

We’ll begin the year exploring how our mythology defines our humanity.  We’ll focus specifically on the hero’s journey, beginning with Beowulf.  We’ll look at how to read a text closely and critically.  Don’t worry — we’ll have a variety of translations – ranging from picture books to excerpts from Seamus Heaney’s translation.   We’ll even poke into parts of the story from Grendel’s point of view.

At the beginning of September, we’ll wrap up our discussions on Beowulf with a “conversation café” where students will have the opportunity to pose their own hypotheses about this classic tale.   Using Beowulf as a foundation, we’ll also begin writing some short pieces about our journeys and our identities.  What do we want to teach our readers?

We’ll spend October continuing to delve into the structure of writing.  We’ll focus both on content and grammar, with specific emphasis on sentence structure, paragraph development, and idea organization.   Our attention will not only be on writing our hero’s journey, but also on critique.  How does one give kind, helpful, and specific feedback?

Stay tuned for more information about genre reading, book groups, check-ins, theatrical presentations, and more as the year progresses!

Shark Tank!

Starts September 6th!

Yeah — you know that show. Wannabe entrepreneur pitches their business to a room full of “sharks” who then decide which ideas are worthy of investment. In this class, we’ll become entrepreneurs. We’ll develop ideas, write business plans, work with mentors, and pitch our ideas to real investors! Maybe you will create an app. Maybe you’ll launch a donut empire. Maybe you will be the founder of the next world-changing non-profit. Even if you have no idea what business you might start, we’ll figure it out! You are the boss.

In addition to brainstorming and launching our own companies, we’ll also look at the role of capitalism throughout the world. What role does economics play on the world stage? What about the booming community of micro-lending?  Prepare to be introduced to the Unreasonable Institute, TechStars Boulder, and more!

Are you ready to swim with the sharks?

…And we are off and running with Co-op!

Hey Everyone,

Things are bustling the first few days of class.  We’ve been starting to start up portfolios, creating a “#selfie” art project, building community through a bunch of initiatives, and trying to figure out what kind of space we want our Co-op to be.  We’re also reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian as a read-aloud.  It’s been a lot of fun to see everyone get settled into the new school year.

A few quick notes:

  1. We’ll be having community day on Friday.  CHOICE will walk to the fields just south of Manhattan Middle School for our Community Day.  We will leave at 10:30 and return in time for the buses.  Students should bring 2 water bottles, snacks and lunches.  Be sure to dress for the weather – we will go rain or shine.
  2. Students selected their “integrated” classes yesterday.  Those lists should be posted by Monday the 29th.
  3. THE REGATTA! is coming soon…  As a new teacher, I’m just figuring this out myself — but we’ll be talking about it very very soon as a Co-op.  The date of the REGATTA is on Friday, September 2nd.

Have a great week!